"Founded in 1923, The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards are the nation’s largest, longest-running, most prestigious recognition program for creative teenagers in grades 7 through 12. Each year, ambitious students throughout the United States, Canada, and American schools abroad submit works of art and writing to be evaluated by creative professionals, educators, and scholars.
This year, 165,000 works were submitted. Only 1,111 writing manuscripts from the Region-at-Large earned Gold Key recognition. The Elisabeth Morrow School has 11 Gold Key finalists! These works are automatically forwarded to national-level judging for the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards, to be announced in April. For our relatively small school to earn 1% of the total is beyond all expectations. Great work, students!
These pieces of writing were created in the context of The Writing Club, under them auspices of Ms. Lisa Nicolaou, or in English class with Ms. Tamara McKenna. Thank you, teachers, for outstanding encouragement and inspiration."
~Dr. Lowry