
Trustee Enrichment Day at NJAIS

Independent Schools, such as Elisabeth Morrow, belong to a number of organizations, providing resources and support in all areas, from curriculum to development, from business operations to technology and all points in between.  The primary memberships for us are the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) and the New Jersey Association of Independent Schools (NJAIS).
This past Sunday, four trustees, Aaron Cooper and I attended the NJAIS Trustee Enrichment Day, held at Princeton Day School.  The keynote speaker was Pat Bassett, the President of NAIS.  His topic:  “Trends:  The Future of Schools and Schools of the Future.”  One of the points in his information-filled presentation underscored the importance of the “5 + 1 C's -- character, collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, communication, and now, also, cosmopolitanism (i.e., cross-cultural and global competency) in the preparation of today’s students as they face an ever-changing tomorrow.
 -- David Lowry